in the words of others

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Up from the earth
The iron sang
Like a song
From the Moon.
— Betty Parsons, Betty Parsons Gallery

Even the most accomplished welder must wonder about the way they were made, the perfection of the spheres, the seamless interlocking of the abandoned tools, scraps of metal, and other discards of the collapsing New York industrial base that Malpass collected and made into art.
— Pete Hamill, Author, Tools As Art

Michael Allen Malpass is unequaled in any medium he has tried. He worked harder than anyone. An absolute master of drawing, graphics, and iron. The finest maker of jewelry. How can a man that bends iron, hot from a forge, also have the sensitivity to set a stone in a delicate piece of silver he has built? He is the last Renaissance Man of the 20th century.
— Alboro and Leora Newton, Pratt alumnae

The death of Michael Malpass is much more than a personal loss. His developing career as a sculptor of notable talent and promise represents a critical loss to the sphere of contemporary art. Michael’s spirit lives on through the sculpture he created and left for all of us to appreciate and admire.
— Anne R. Fabbri, Director, Noyes Museum of Art

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Even now, when his body is gone, he still has a voice. He speaks through his art. All we need to do is just listen.”
— Evelyn Brooks, Pratt Student